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Welcome to Velu Naturo

The best country sugar you would have ever tasted, smelled and felt since your childhood.

We are the top jaggery products manufacturer in Kodumudi, Erode. Velu Naturo brings you the finest quality products made with genuine process without adding any unhealthy ingredients. Our products are highly nutritious and a healthier alternative to processed sugar and any other artificial sweeteners.

Filled with Minerals

Jaggery is enriched with range of different minerals that boost the overall immunity.

Improves Digestion

Aids with the release of digestive enzymes and also combats digestive issues.

Rich in Iron

It has an abundant source of iron that helps with elevating Haemoglobin in blood and prevents anaemia.

Liver Detoxification

Jaggery helps get rid of the toxins and is also used for the detoxifying process.

Purifies Blood

Jaggery or Gur has the properties of cleansing and purifying blood.

Improves Nervous System

Magnesium present in jaggery helps manage the nervous system and protects against cell damage.

Jaggery Powder Manufacturing Process

Following is the process to manufacture chemical-free jaggery:

Selection of Sugarcane: We choose matured sugarcane having Brix around 20 or more. The selected cane is cut and sent for crushing.

Clearing of Sugarcane: Cane arrived from the field, is washed and made ready for juice extraction.

Juice Extraction: Cleaned cane pass through mill machine that extracts the juice and remaining waste called bagasse sent for sun drying. Bagasse is used as fuel for the boiler to produce steam, further used to heat sugarcane juice and syrup.

Juice Filtration: The collected juice is filtered and sent for controlled heating and clarification.

Controlled Heating: Juice is clarified and heated to evaporate water from it. Heating is controlled via an automated process to maintain temperature. 

Controlled Cooling: The concentrated syrup produced after heating is cooled steadily through an automated process by maintaining the required temperature during the whole process.

Powdering/ Cubing: The cooled syrup is collected in an open pan or transferred into different shapes and sizes cubes to make jaggery in powder form or solid cubes or nuggets

Packaging: Jaggery is packed in different pouch sizes and shipped via partnered courier companies.